
Infinite Content 


Add "Content Marketer" To Your List Of Skills And Attract 5k Of Additional Income To Your Brand Every Month

Become Certified In The Infinite Content Method In As Little As 1 Month

Everyone needs content but it’s hard to find people who specialize in it.

The Infinite Content Method Facilitator Program is for business owners looking to add another profitable income stream to their offering by providing their customers with highly-coveted results -- a content marketing plan for the whole year AND a launch plan for their next offer.

Take the guesswork and confusion out of content creation for your clients (and for you) with this simple system.

The Infinite Content Method is proven (check the testimonials) framework that can be executed as a workshop or 1-on-1 and breaks down the process into 4 easy-to-implement steps:





How Does The ICM Method Integrate Into Your Business? Here are some examples:

real-life examples of how the model integrates into your business 

You’re A Copywriter

go from one off projects to easy recurring income

You’re a copywriter who just wrote your client’s sales page. As a facilitator, you can also provide a launch plan and content for that same client for a more complete solution. You’ll learn how to develop launch plans besides the traditional content plans for a whole year. 

How that could look: 

  • $3,000 for the sales page copy 

  • $5-6,000 for the content and launch content emails 

You can take that even further by providing an ongoing content creation retainer at 1,000 a month and hosting a VIP day for $3,000 to get their plan for the year figured out. 

You go from 3,000 for just sales copy to an extra 20k from that one client. 

You’re A Brand Strategist With A Mastermind

add a new upsell or more value to offers

You’re a business coach or strategist who wants to do a mastermind or group model but your methods are effective, but you don’t have enough tangible benefits beyond “group calls and workshops.” As a facilitator, you can add a ICM Workshop as one of your deliverables and your clients will leave with all of their content figured out for the entire year, which really increases the value of your offers. 

You also might be a business coach who isn’t sure how to fill your calls with enough tangible value and the ICM model gives you an easy framework to work through step-by-step with your clients. 

In addition, you can provide a 1-on-1 ICM Workshop as an easy upsell to any group work or as a benefit of your 1-on-1 work. 

How that can work: 

  • $4000 per client for your VIP Workshop 

  • $10,000 per client for your mastermind or your 1-on-1 client 

You’re adding extra value (which means extra income) to each of your offers.

You’re A Web Designer

provide more value to your favorite customers

You’re a web designer or creator who builds websites for your clients. As a facilitator, you can not only help your clients create their first websites but guide them through figuring out all of all the launch content on their website. You can package up the website and content package as a easy decision for your clients. As a Facilitator, you’ll learn how design year-long content plans and get templates for creating content for your clients. 

How that can work: 

  • $5000 for a website design 

  • $4000 for a year content plan plus a month of written content 

You are almost doubling your income from each client and giving your clients something they really need to make their site successful. 

How Christine Made Her Money Back in 4 Weeks

Christine works as a consultant for retail businesses and used the ICM model to create marketing workshops for brick and mortar stores.

Rachel Pontillo | Skincare Mentor

“I've worked with Shenee both 1-on-1 and in many of her group programs since 2015, because her ways of understanding ideal clients' needs and finding ways to communicate with them effectively have been game-changing in my business. Once I saw that she was offering the opportunity to become a facilitator of her Infinite Content Model Workshop, I knew I was an immediate yes, because so many of my holistic skincare and wellness students struggle with creating content and effective messaging. I was thrilled with how step-by-step the training was, and so far, my students have found it incredibly valuable. I'm now offering the Infinite Content Model Workshop tailored to skincare and wellness entrepreneurs, and really feel that it's the perfect complement to my current course catalog.”

How Hillary Made An Extra 30k And Added Value To Her Existing 25k/client offering

  • I use it in my program The Power Plan (25,000), which I gift to all my Power Position students who want help with content strategy. I've also sold it on its own and it works beautifully!

  • EVERYONE struggles with content strategy. Everyone. IT's so awesome to have this toolkit in my back pocket I can pull out as a bonus, value add, use as a VIP day, or as an extension of an existing high-level contract.

  • The coggle FOR SURE! Every time my own students use it they're instantly obsessed. What a gift to fast-moving brains! And also, how digestible and quick the information is, and SO easy to follow along with !

  • DO IT. You won't regret it! If you're in marketing strategy/copywriting/coaching in the industry, where you work with clients on business/brand growth, you NEED a tool like this in your back pocket. It's magic and so well done. ALSO SHENEE IS THE TITS LOVE YOUUU

Learn A New Skill Without Having To Go Back To School (Because You Don’t Have TIME for that) 

Listen, I know you’re busy! When I was creating this experience, I made it for people like me. Folks who have a LOT going on with their clients and life and don’t have time to drop it all and spend 4-5 hours a week listening and watching videos for the next few months to learn something new for their business. You don’t need a bunch of calls or more things to add to your to-do list. The ICM Model is insanely simple to learn and execute, so much so that you can be up in running in about a month. 

Content is also ALWAYS relevant. While many licensing programs are based on ever-changing systems like paid ads, funnels, or the latest social media platform, content is ALWAYS popular and always needed. Regardless if the business does podcasts, is on TikTok, or doing in-person content — everyone needs content. 

When you become ICM Certified, you guarantee that you ALWAYS have something to sell, regardless of what happens in the business world. 

This system has kept my business going through all the trends over the last 10 years. It always works, and it always sells, and it will do the same for your business. 

Want to learn more? Read the catalog to see how this program can work for your business right now.

You can also reach out directly with questions.

So! How does it work?

You get access to your on-demand materials with everything:

  • Simple step-by-step videos that won’t require you to spend HOURS on the computer and instead start working

  • All of the worksheets and templates you need to put on the workshop.

  • All of your sales pages, emails, and content included to help you sell it with ease

  • A marketing plan to launch your new offer and make your money back right away

By the end of this experience, here’s what you will be able to do:

  • Help your clients identify their target market and develop a list of their big pain points to help sell their offers

  • Develop a year-long plan with content, complete with subject lines and topics for your clients in just one day.

  • Create a launch plan for just about anything

  • Create content for your clients long-term with the help of templates

Become A Facilitator Add A New Income Stream

12 Payments


1 Payment
